Within its hallowed halls, a symphony of sophistication unfolds, Club Plaisance, an esteemed and coveted membership club, finds its exquisite abode nestled on the illustrious Duddell Street.
Exclusive members-only private and intimate space for an unparalleled whisky & private dining experience. Venturing into the basement, guests are immersed in the captivating ambiance of Club Plaisance.
Dive into Exclusivity at our Private Oasis
Descending to the basement of Club Plaisance, the deep ocean surroundings, adorned with navy to dark blue hues, create a mesmerizing atmosphere that sets the stage for an exclusive members-only private club experience, designed to provide an intimate atmosphere and an unparalleled private dining experience.
Membership at Club Plaisance is by invitation only, further enhancing the exclusivity and allure of this distinguished establishment. The ambiance that resonates with sophistication and-refinement. Within the enchanting embrace of Plaisance, members discover a haven where luxury, privacy, and the art of indulgence converge in perfect harmony.